Irrevocable Family Fortress Dynasty Trust
Irrevocable Family Fortress Dynasty Trust - Legal Services include establishing an an Irrevocable Dynasty Trust outside of taxable estate with provisions for life insurance, multi-generation capital growth and preservation, gifting, and income provisions. Such a Trust becomes valuable and important in legal planning when 1) the estate is over the estate tax threshold, 2) there are complex business and succession structures, 3) for preserving and growing capital over multiple generations, and 4) for families that wish to create long lasting, self perpetuating, continually growing, and multi-generational family wealth in a manner that empowers the family members to be stronger and more independent and that in insulated from in-laws and opportunistic external threats.
Preparing an Irrevocable Family Fortress Dynasty Trust - Legal Services generally include the following:
- Attorney time for Consultation and Selection of material option
- Multi-generation Dynasty Trust provisions
- Customization as detailed on client specific diagram
- Establishing the scope of discretion
- Grantor Defective Income Tax Provisions (causing the income to be taxed to you)
- "Full Tool Box" advanced features such as Beneficiary Defective, GST, Special Needs, Dynasty, Protector, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and so forth
- Complete SS-4, fax to IRS, and obtain Tax ID Number
- Coordinate signature(s) of Trustees
- Letter and one additional copy of trust for Trustees
- One original Trust document
- Two original Certificates of Trust Power and Authority
- Schedule of Assets Transferred to Irrevocable Trust
- "Loose Ends" Letter describing operation, use and funding of Trust
- Action Items List for follow through action to fund and implement Trust
- Letters of Instruction for Funding Trust
- Applicable Schedules and attachments including Schedule of Trustees, Schedule of Special beneficiary, Schedule of Primary Beneficiary, Schedule of Secondary Beneficiary, Schedule of Protector, Schedule of Advisors, Schedule of Wishes, and associated articles explaining use and operation
- Educational and instructional articles and support documents
- The "Harmony Documents" including Integrity Agreement and Confidentiality Agreement
- Educational and explanatory articles
- Client Original Dynasty Trust Notebook (you may opt for electronic copies only)
- Electronic Copies of Documents in pdf format
- First Year Safe File Inventory Fee
- Other gifting and/or transfers of assets, properties or business entities may also be needed, and may result in an additional legal investment
Irrevocable Family Fortress Dynasty Trust - Legal Services
This list is subject to change without notice, and the specific details in any client communications related to the particular planning will control over this list. The Legal Investment for establishing an Irrevocable Family Fortress Dynasty Trust - Legal Services will be as stated in a written Invoice or Quote. Other documents or services beyond this list may result in additional legal investment.
Irrevocable Family Fortress Dynasty Trust - Legal Services © 2024 by Durfee Law Group is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Irrevocable Family Fortress Dynasty Trust - Legal Services