Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust is a way to give something to Charity in the future, while retaining the income during one’s lifetime. There are different types. The Numbers let you know if it will work for you. Timing is everything. The charity can be your own Family Foundation

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What is a Dynasty Trust?

What is a Dynasty Trust?

A “Dynasty Trust” is a Trust designed to hold and protect property over multiple generations.  Such trusts take advantage of jurisdictions that have abolished laws that require termination such as the Rule Against Perpetuities.  They also take advantage of tax rules to minimize or eliminate multi-generation estate taxes.  Because such Trusts are designed to last…

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The Good Executor

Good Executor

This is a re-publication and update of an article I wrote that originally appeared here. Why “Executor” The title “Executor” is commonly used to refer to a person who administers the estate of a deceased person. In Latin, an Executor is always a male. The female counterpart is an “Executrix.” Gender specific titles can be…

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Living Will Best Way Out

Living Will

A Living Will is generally the last document a person uses in their life.  A Living Will may or may not contain or be used in connection with a “DNR” or Medical Directive.  When the Living Will is invoked, someone is checking out for good.  That is typically not a laughing matter.  Recently, a client…

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