Revenue Ruling 2023-2

Equity Strip

Revenue Ruling 2023-2 is Nothing New The IRS ruled in Revenue Ruling 2023-2 that assets in an irrevocable trust outside the taxable estate of the grantor, do NOT get a step up in cost basis when the grantor dies. Although this ruling has received some attention and disagreement in the media, it is nothing new…

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Abusive Trusts

Abusive Trusts – Danger Signs Because we put together a lot of Trusts, people bring us their Trusts ideas.  This is actually a wonderful resource which we welcome.  At the same time, some of the ideas that are brought to us are simply bad and even dangerous.  Although these are sometimes characterized as abusive trusts,…

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You may decide to do charitable planning for several reasons. Some people do it because they want to give back to the community. Some just want a tax deduction. Others don’t have any heirs, and they want a low risk method to ensure they have enough money until they die. Whatever the reason, charitable planning…

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Trust Decant – Old Wine New Bottle

Trust Decant

Trust Decant The term “decant” means to pour the contents of one container into another container.  It is like pouring old wine into a new bottle.  It has come to refer to the practice of forming a new updated trust, and transferring the assets from an old obsolete trust to the new trust as a…

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