Posts Tagged ‘Jurisdiction Independent Trust’
Trust Decant – Old Wine New Bottle
Trust Decant The term “decant” means to pour the contents of one container into another container. It is like pouring old wine into a new bottle. It has come to refer to the practice of forming a new updated trust, and transferring the assets from an old obsolete trust to the new trust as a…
Read MoreDomicile In Florida
No Tax States Clients frequently ask where they can move to reduce their local income tax. There are several states that have either very low or no income tax including as of this article Alaska, Wyoming, Tennessee, Florida, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Nevada. It is important to remember that income taxes are…
Read MoreJurisdictional Diversification
Jurisdictional Diversification Jurisdictional Diversification is a reality for most people whether they know it or not. If you have family members or property or business interests in more than one place, you are dealing with more than one jurisdiction. Most of the time, such jurisdictional diversification happens by accident. We just go where we go…
Read MoreRule Against Perpetuities
The Rule The Rule Against Perpetuities is an archaic rule adopted by the U.S. as part of the Common Law heritage from its colonial predecessors. In most applications, it limits the length of time in which a person may control property. The time limit is generally based on the lives of people living during the…
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