Dynasty Trust
A Dynasty Trust is a trust designed to last over multiple generations. It will typically take advantage of Generation Skip Tax Exclusions. Most dynasty trusts also take advantage of the laws in certain jurisdictions that have abolished or limited the Rule Against Perpetuities. A Dynasty Trust plans for succession of both control and property over time. A Dynasty Trust will NOT have age based mandatory distributions and will not give beneficiaries a vested power to compel distributions. Rather, a Dynasty Trust will protect and preserve the Trust assets by making all distributions discretionary and in some instances permitting a beneficiary the use and enjoyment of Trust assets without distribution. Dynasty Trusts often have a Trust Protector and adaptive features to facilitate operation over time in changing circumstances. Better Dynasty Trusts will make alternative dispute resolution mandatory in order to avoid being subverted or destroyed through litigation. Better Dynasty Trusts will also be situs neutral and able to operate in multiple jurisdictions over time.
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