RAGBRAI 2024 – Days 3 to 7

DAY THREE RAGBRAI, July 23, 2024, Atlantic to Winterset (82 miles; 4,519 ft. climb) Our third day from Atlantic to Winterset was 82 miles of hills with a gain of 4,519 feet.  Winterset is the birthplace of John Wayne, whose father was a pharmacist in Winterset.   Winterset is where the delicious apple was discovered and…

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RAGBRAI 2024 – Days 1 and 2

DAY ONE RAGBRAI, July 20, 2024, Glenwood to Red Oak (41.9 miles; 2,435 ft. climb) On the first day of RAGBRAI, we ride from Glenwood, Iowa to Red Oak, Iowa.  No rain at night or during the day.  We did have fog, which lasted until a while after Silver City, which was 8.8 miles.  We’ve…

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RAGBRAI 2024: Training and Travel to Iowa

Training and Travel to Iowa Friends of Scouting and all of my friends, This is going to be about my training for RAGBRAI and traveling to Iowa to get started on this year’s ride — my 39th ride across Iowa. We start on July 20, 2024, in Glenwood, Iowa and end on July 27, 2024,…

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